ShipperHQ Insights API Reference

ShipperHQ Insights API Reference Documentation


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Retrieve shipment information for an order
Returns [Order]

Name Description
orderNumber - String!


query viewOrder($orderNumber: String!) {
  viewOrder(orderNumber: $orderNumber) {
    orderDetail {
    shipments {
    recipient {
{"orderNumber": "xyz789"}
  "data": {
    "viewOrder": [
        "orderNumber": "abc123",
        "apiKey": "xyz789",
        "orderNumberText": "abc123",
        "isActive": true,
        "orderDetail": OrderDetail,
        "shipments": [Shipment],
        "recipient": Address,
        "createdAt": DateTime



Shipping address information for the order

Field Name Description
country - String Country code of shipping address, in ISO alpha-2 format
region - String Region, state or locality of shipping address
city - String City or town of shipping address
street - String Street address
street2 - String Second line of street address
zipcode - String Zipcode or post code of shipping address
firstName - String Recipient's first name
lastName - String Recipient's last name
email - String Contact email of recipient
company - String Company name of shipping address
telephone - String Contact telephone number of recipient
  "country": "xyz789",
  "region": "xyz789",
  "city": "abc123",
  "street": "xyz789",
  "street2": "xyz789",
  "zipcode": "xyz789",
  "firstName": "xyz789",
  "lastName": "abc123",
  "email": "xyz789",
  "company": "abc123",
  "telephone": "abc123"


Fees and charges included in shipping method

Field Name Description
handlingFee - Float! Handling fees applied to the shipping rate
shippingPrice - Float! Shipping rate without any handling fees or taxes applied
totalCharges - Float! Total price of shipping rate including any fees
cost - Float Base shipping rate before any rules or fees were applied
customDuties - Float Duties and taxes on shipping rate
flatRulesApplied - [String] List of shipping rules that set the shipping rate
changeRulesApplied - [String] List of shipping rules that surcharged or discounted the shipping rate
  "handlingFee": 987.65,
  "shippingPrice": 123.45,
  "totalCharges": 987.65,
  "cost": 123.45,
  "customDuties": 987.65,
  "flatRulesApplied": ["abc123"],
  "changeRulesApplied": ["abc123"]


The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.



Delivery date and time slot selected by the customer, only applicable with calendar based shipping rates

Field Name Description
deliveryDateRanges - [DeliveryDateRange!]! Internal use only
timeSlots - [TimeSlot!]! Selected time slot for pickup or delivery
availableDeliveryDates - [String!] Selected delivery date or pickup date
  "deliveryDateRanges": [DeliveryDateRange],
  "timeSlots": [TimeSlot],
  "availableDeliveryDates": ["xyz789"]


Carrier and shipping method information for the shipment

Field Name Description
carrierDetail - CarrierDetail! Carrier and shipping method information for the shipment
methods - [Method!]! Shipping method and shipping rate information
sortOrder - Int Internal use only
dateFormat - String Merchants preferred date format, in ISO 8601 Date and time format
calendarDate - CalendarDate Delivery date and time slot selected by the customer, only applicable with calendar based shipping rates
packages - [Package!]! List of packages in this shipment, calculated based on carrier settings and items in the request
pickupDetail - PickupDetail Selected pickup location details, for In Store Pickup carriers only
  "carrierDetail": CarrierDetail,
  "methods": [Method],
  "sortOrder": 987,
  "dateFormat": "abc123",
  "calendarDate": CalendarDate,
  "packages": [Package],
  "pickupDetail": PickupDetail


Carrier specific information e.g. code and name

Field Name Description
carrierCode - String! Unique code for this carrier - intended for internal use
carrierTitle - String! Title of carrier - intended for display to end users
carrierType - String! Type of carrier e.g. UPS, FedEx, custom
deliveryDateMessage - String Internal use only
  "carrierCode": "abc123",
  "carrierTitle": "xyz789",
  "carrierType": "xyz789",
  "deliveryDateMessage": "xyz789"




Internal use only

Field Name Description
fromDate - String!
toDate - String!
{"fromDate": "abc123", "toDate": "abc123"}


The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.



Details of items in shipment

Field Name Description
itemId - String! Unique item ID
sku - String Item's SKU
qty - Int Item qty
name - String Item's name
hs_code - String HS Code - used in customs and duties calculations
origin_country - String Item's country of origin or manufacture
declared_value - Float Item's declared value
  "itemId": "xyz789",
  "sku": "abc123",
  "qty": 987,
  "name": "xyz789",
  "hs_code": "abc123",
  "origin_country": "xyz789",
  "declared_value": 123.45


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.



The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.



Details of item in package

Field Name Description
id - ID Deprecated: do not use
sku - String! Item's SKU
qtyPacked - Float! Quantity of items in package
weightPacked - Float! Weight of items in package
  "id": ID,
  "sku": "abc123",
  "qtyPacked": 987.65,
  "weightPacked": 987.65


Enum Value Description







Shipping methods and rate information

Field Name Description
id - ID Deprecated: do not use
methodDetails - MethodDetail! Shipping method information like code, title, total charges
timeInTransitOptions - TimeInTransitOptions Dispatch and delivery date of the shipping method
rateBreakdownList - [RateBreakdown!]! Breakdown of shipping rates used to make up this shipping method, for example with merged rates
advancedFees - AdvancedFees Fees and charges included in shipping method
packages - [Package!]! Packages or boxes included in shipping rate
selectedOptions - [SelectedOption!]! Delivery options included in shipping rate, e.g. liftgate, residential delivery
  "id": ID,
  "methodDetails": MethodDetail,
  "timeInTransitOptions": TimeInTransitOptions,
  "rateBreakdownList": [RateBreakdown],
  "advancedFees": AdvancedFees,
  "packages": [Package],
  "selectedOptions": [SelectedOption]


Shipping method information like code, title, total charges

Field Name Description
methodCode - String! Unique code of shipping method - intended for internal use
methodTitle - String! Title of shipping rate - intended for display to end users
totalCharges - Float! Shipping rate including all fees and charges
currency - String Currency code of shipping rate
negotiatedRate - Boolean Indicator whether shipping method is a negotiated rate with carrier
deliveryMessage - String Delivery date information included in method title - included so developers can conditionally format this part of method title
quoteId - String Quote ID for this shipment estimate
  "methodCode": "xyz789",
  "methodTitle": "xyz789",
  "totalCharges": 987.65,
  "currency": "abc123",
  "negotiatedRate": true,
  "deliveryMessage": "abc123",
  "quoteId": "xyz789"


Information stored for a single order

Field Name Description
orderNumber - String! Unique number or id for this order
apiKey - String! Internal use only
orderNumberText - String Public facing order number, only populated if different to orderNumber
isActive - Boolean! Internal use only
orderDetail - OrderDetail! Summary of shipping information for the entire order
shipments - [Shipment!]! Shipping and packing information for each shipment in the order
recipient - Address Shipping address information for the order
createdAt - DateTime! When this order was created
  "orderNumber": "xyz789",
  "apiKey": "abc123",
  "orderNumberText": "xyz789",
  "isActive": false,
  "orderDetail": OrderDetail,
  "shipments": [Shipment],
  "recipient": Address,
  "createdAt": DateTime


Summary of shipping information for the entire order

Field Name Description
carrierCode - String! Unique code for carrier - intended for internal use
carrierTitle - String! Title of carrier - intended for display to end users
methodCode - String! Unique code of shipping method - intended for internal use
methodTitle - String! Title of shipping method - intended for display to end users
totalCharges - Float! Shipping charges including all fees
transactionId - String! ShipperHQ's transction ID
currency - String Currency the account is set to
  "carrierCode": "abc123",
  "carrierTitle": "abc123",
  "methodCode": "xyz789",
  "methodTitle": "xyz789",
  "totalCharges": 123.45,
  "transactionId": "abc123",
  "currency": "xyz789"


Package or box included in shipping rate

Field Name Description
packageDetail - PackageDetail! Package information like box name, packed dimensions and value
items - [Item!]! Information on items in package
  "packageDetail": PackageDetail,
  "items": [Item]


Package information like box name, packed dimensions and value

Field Name Description
declaredValue - Float Declared value of package
height - Float! Height of package
length - Float! Length of package
packageName - String! Box or package name
packingWeight - Float Weight of package including packaging
surchargePrice - Float! Surcharge from package
weight - Float! Weight of package
width - Float! Width of package
freightClass - String Freight class of package
  "declaredValue": 123.45,
  "height": 123.45,
  "length": 123.45,
  "packageName": "xyz789",
  "packingWeight": 987.65,
  "surchargePrice": 987.65,
  "weight": 987.65,
  "width": 987.65,
  "freightClass": "abc123"


Selected pickup location information and display preferences

Field Name Description
pickupLocationDetails - [PickupLocationDetail!]! Details of pickup location like address, hours, location
pickupCart - Boolean Deprecated: No longer supported
googleApiKey - String Google API key of merchant, use to display map of pickup location
showOpeningHours - Boolean Indicates whether you should display opening hours for this pickup location
showMap - String Indicates whether you should display map for this pickup location
showAddress - String Indicates whether you should display pickup location's address
  "pickupLocationDetails": [PickupLocationDetail],
  "pickupCart": false,
  "googleApiKey": "xyz789",
  "showOpeningHours": false,
  "showMap": "abc123",
  "showAddress": "xyz789"


Details of selected pickup location like address, hours, location

Field Name Description
pickupId - String ShipperHQ's ID for pickup location
pickupName - String Name of pickup location - intended for display to end user
latitude - Float Location latitude - to display map of location
longitude - Float Location longitude - to display map of location
street1 - String Street line one of location's address
street2 - String Street line two of location's address
city - String City of location's address
state - String Region or state of location's address
country - String Country of location's address, in ISO alpha-2 format
zipcode - String Zipcode or post code of location's address
phone - String Contact phone number of pickup location
distance - Float Distance of pickup location to user's delivery address
currentTime - String Current time at pickup location
pickupDate - String Earliest available pickup date including lead time
dispatchDate - String Earliest available dispatch date including lead time
locationMap - String Deprecated: No longer supported
calendarDate - CalendarDate Delivery date and time slot selected by the customer, only applicable with calendar based shipping rates
standardHours - String Standard opening hours for this pickup location
publicId - String Location's public ID, often used for post order processing
nonStandardHours - String Opening hours outside of standard hours
email - String Email address for pickup location
contactName - String Contact person at pickup location
imageUrl - String URL of image showing location map or storefront - not always supported
walkingDirections - String Walking directions from user's location to store - not always supported
websiteUrl - String Location's website
pickupFullName - String Name and address of pickup location in a single field
emailOption - String Internal use only
  "pickupId": "xyz789",
  "pickupName": "xyz789",
  "latitude": 987.65,
  "longitude": 987.65,
  "street1": "xyz789",
  "street2": "abc123",
  "city": "abc123",
  "state": "abc123",
  "country": "abc123",
  "zipcode": "abc123",
  "phone": "xyz789",
  "distance": 123.45,
  "currentTime": "abc123",
  "pickupDate": "abc123",
  "dispatchDate": "xyz789",
  "locationMap": "xyz789",
  "calendarDate": CalendarDate,
  "standardHours": "abc123",
  "publicId": "xyz789",
  "nonStandardHours": "xyz789",
  "email": "xyz789",
  "contactName": "xyz789",
  "imageUrl": "abc123",
  "walkingDirections": "xyz789",
  "websiteUrl": "abc123",
  "pickupFullName": "xyz789",
  "emailOption": "xyz789"


Breakdown of individual shipping rates used to make up a shipping method, for example with merged rates or rate shopping

Field Name Description
shipmentDetail - ShipmentDetail! Details of shipment
carrierDetail - CarrierDetail! Carrier specific information e.g. code and name
methodCode - String! Unique code of shipping method - intended for internal use
methodDetails - MethodDetail! Shipping method information like code, title, total charges
timeInTransitOptions - TimeInTransitOptions Dispatch and delivery date information
advancedFees - AdvancedFees Fees and charges included in shipping method
isWinningRate - Boolean Is this the winning rate
packages - [Package!]! Packages or boxes included in shipping rate
  "shipmentDetail": ShipmentDetail,
  "carrierDetail": CarrierDetail,
  "methodCode": "abc123",
  "methodDetails": MethodDetail,
  "timeInTransitOptions": TimeInTransitOptions,
  "advancedFees": AdvancedFees,
  "isWinningRate": false,
  "packages": [Package]


Delivery options included in shipping rate, e.g. liftgate, residential delivery

Field Name Description
name - String Name of option
value - String Value selected
{"name": "abc123", "value": "abc123"}


Shipping and packing information for this shipment

Field Name Description
id - ID Deprecated: do not use
shipmentDetail - ShipmentDetail! Unique ID and display name of shipment
carriers - [Carrier!]! Carrier and shipping method information for the shipment
groupedItems - [GroupedItem!]! Details of items in shipment
  "id": ID,
  "shipmentDetail": ShipmentDetail,
  "carriers": [Carrier],
  "groupedItems": [GroupedItem]


Unique ID and display name of shipment

Field Name Description
shipmentId - String! Unique id of shipment
name - String! Display name of shipment
description - String Further description of shipment - intended for display to end user e.g. tooltip
originAddress - Address Address of origin
  "shipmentId": "xyz789",
  "name": "xyz789",
  "description": "xyz789",
  "originAddress": Address


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Dispatch and delivery date information

Field Name Description
dispatchDate - String Dispatch date of shipping method
deliveryDate - String Delivery date of shipping method
{"dispatchDate": "abc123", "deliveryDate": "abc123"}


Time slot information for pickup or delivery

Field Name Description
timeStart - String! Start time of selected time slot
timeEnd - String! End time of selected time slot
interval - String! Length of time slot, in minutes
{"timeStart": "abc123", "timeEnd": "abc123", "interval": "abc123"}